You might wonder what Microsoft SharePoint does, its functions and where used. In this article I’ll be talking on facts about Microsoft SharePoint. But before I move to that point, I’ll like you to know what Microsoft SharePoint is.

Now, let’s start with the meaning of what the key phrase stands for. Microsoft SharePoint is a web functioning intranet from Microsoft that help in advancing the effectiveness of an organization by linking together and organizing the management access to data.
It also permits groups within an organization to build up a unique, secure password-protected space for document and file sharing. Individuals or groups within an organization can download, edit, store, and finally upload documents for continuous sharing. Microsoft SharePoint is known to be a collaboration tool.
It’s basically a content management system that serves internal purposes within an organization, it helps in bringing together an organization. SharePoint is modified to serve different purposes; it has a very close relationship with Office 365 as well as document management capabilities.
The Importance of Microsoft SharePoint
The primary function of Microsoft SharePoint is; it saves documents in a more advanced format than a normal regular folder system. It helps in bringing together an organization. In order for every staff to get updated with the organization’s relevant and sensitive information. Other importance of Microsoft SharePoint is;
It creates context around a saved document or folder:
The Folder on a server is the usual traditional document storage facility. The difference between this usual folder and SharePoint. SharePoint Brings a full context around the folder. It tracks the original version of a document as well as other versions. In other words, SharePoint provides full details, history of each and every file or document stored in it.
It enables constant flow of information with all staff:
SharePoint brings a standing collaboration to all staff within an organization. So that they can all see and share important and sensitive information accordingly. Unlike past years, important information are shared in an organization via email. The bad side of this approach is some information gets left out or misplaced. That might cause some numbers of staff not to get an important information they need. Or maybe the information was read but now difficult to find traces of that information afterwards. But SharePoint got all these covered.
Encourage Collaboration:
Microsoft SharePoint modifies in a way to bring to the central point every important and sensitive information surrounding an organization. This is far needed for organizations and firms that are not connected geographically. Unlike in the past where some staff in an organization might only communicate to other staff during a company meeting. SharePoint binds those staff together so everyone can be on the same pace through a portal.
Stores all sensitive information in a central site:
Important information and updates can come from the CEO of an organization; Microsoft SharePoint gathers all the information to one internal site. So all staff can locate the piece of information or update they need. Other cases of the use of SharePoint come as a general warning about a particular client or updated strategy or incident every staff needs to know of. With SharePoint, simply share the message and everyone gets it. Don’t bother about emailing it or making an announcement, just post it on SharePoint.
Three Points to Note for Successful Implementation of Microsoft SharePoint
There things required before the implementation of Microsoft SharePoint. Meeting up with the requirement and determining what you need SharePoint to do for your company is what will bring a success or a failure to your attempt in implementing it. Here are the highlighted keys to a successful SharePoint implementation
- Hire a Microsoft SharePoint consultant or a professional that has the ability to run the business analysis with you.
- Put together a sitemap. Put together how you want it to work, make findings from the SharePoint consultant how other organizations are running theirs. Choose the SharePoint service model that’s suitable for you
- Strategize a business and assess requirements
- Give your staff the necessary training on Microsoft SharePoint.
Lastly, after a successful implementation. Provide your staff with the necessary training and equipment so they can have full knowledge of how it works.